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What is the Monitoring Committee?

The Monitoring Committee is an independent monitoring body that reviews the public administration’s compliance with the human rights of persons with disabilities for the area of federal competence.

What does the work of the Monitoring Committee look like?

The Monitoring Committee holds regular meetings to discuss current problems and the need for action. Statements are prepared and processed in working groups. In addition, a public meeting is held at least once a year. Current draft legislation is examined to determine whether it complies with the UN Convention. In order to raise awareness, the Monitoring Committee also presents its contents to the public, either in the form of press conferences and press releases or via its social media channels.

Who is part of the Monitoring Committee?

The members of the Monitoring Committee are:

  • 4 representatives of people with disabilities
  • 1 representative for human rights
  • 1 representative for development cooperation
  • 1 representative for science

For each of the seven members there is one substitute member. All members are proposed by the Austrian Council of People with Disabilities, the umbrella organization of the associations of people with disabilities in Austria, and appointed by the Minister of Social Affairs. The members are appointed for four years.

The members elect a chairperson.

What is a public meeting?

Once a year, the Independent Monitoring Committee holds a public meeting. Anyone interested can attend the meeting. The program is a mixture of impulse lectures and discussions. It is important to the Monitoring Committee that participants have time to express their opinion on a topic or to describe their experiences. These expert opinions are important information and flow into the human rights work. Submissions can also be made by e-mail or telephone after the public meeting. In terms of accessibility, the following measures will be taken: Sign language interpretation, written interpretation, graphic recording, plain language summaries, a mobile induction loop, and accessible access both online and offline. Since the Covid 19 pandemic, public meetings have been hybrid. When participating online, a chat allows people to participate.

Learn more about past Public Meetings here.

What can the Monitoring Committee do?

The Monitoring Committee looks at whether existing laws as well as draft laws are in line with the rights in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. It also looks at how the law is applied in Austria and whether people with disabilities are able to exercise their rights.

In this sense, it draws the attention of legislators and the administration to the contents of the Convention and creates awareness among the public.
The Committee prepares reports for the UN Committee of Experts and informs it about the current status in Austria.

The Monitoring Committee is a monitoring body and not an interest group. In its function, it cooperates with interest groups and self-governing bodies, but does not take over their tasks.

What can the Monitoring Committee not do?

The Monitoring Committee cannot make decisions regarding legal disputes. It does not write draft laws itself, nor can it amend laws itself. Nevertheless, complaints can be brought to the Committee so that it is informed about grievances and problems in Austria.

Where can I find information in easy reading?

This website is also available in easy reading.  To do so, use the switch to “Leichte Sprache”. The majority of our documents are available in plain language or as a summary in plain language.

Where can I find information in Austrian Sign Language?

This page is also available in Austrian Sign Language. Please use the switch to “ÖGS”. Many of our documents are also available in ÖGS.

I need information for my journalistic work. Who can I contact?

Please contact the person responsible for press and public relations, Heidemarie Egger, directly (

Where can I go if I have a complaint?

If I have a complaint against an office or authority:

If I have a complaint against a court:

If I, or someone I know, is being mistreated in an institution:

If I am discriminated against and the federal government is responsible:

If I am discriminated against and the federal-state is responsible:

If I have an international complaint

Before contacting the UN Committee of Experts in Geneva, all possibilities of a legal nature in Austria must be exhausted. Please contact counseling centers and/or lawyers before making contact.

Rapporteur on Torture

Contact this office if you have been affected by torture and have exhausted all legal remedies in Austria.

Do you have any other questions?

Please write to us:

Association for the Support of the Independent Monitoring Committee
Walcherstrasse 6 / Unit 4 / Top 6A
1020 Vienna